Press Release

Boston’s Commissioner of Veterans’ Services Visits BHCC’s Veterans Center

Robert Santiago, Commissioner of Veteran’s Services for the City of Boston, visited Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) on July 22 to meet fellow veterans and military service members who are attending BHCC. The BHCC Veterans Center provides veterans, active duty military, Guard/Reservists and their eligible dependents specialized customer service and a smooth transition to BHCC.

Boston’s Commissioner of Veterans’ Services Visits BHCC’s Veterans Center
Public Notice

Request for Proposal for BHCC – Student Central Video Wall

Notice to Contractors | Classified Legal Advertisement Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Bunker Hill Community College Request for Proposal for BHCC – Student Central Video Wall

Request for Proposal for BHCC – Student Central Video Wall
Press Release

Facebook Partners with BHCC to Offer Digital Marketing Course

Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) has partnered with Facebook to offer a Social Media Marketing course through Facebook’s Community Boost program. The Community Boost program was created by Facebook to promote digital skills to small businesses and individuals to meet the demand for digital marketing skills in today’s economy. Since 2014, the number of digital marketing jobs has increased 17% every year; that is twice the amount of digital marketing jobs available today than five years ago.
Facebook Partners with BHCC to Offer Digital Marketing Course
Event Recap

BHCC STEM Students Wrap Up Summer Internships

Last week, 14 BHCC students, majoring in STEM programs, marked the completion of their paid summer internships with the presentation of their research projects at several institutions in Boston. The students, majoring in biology, engineering, electrical engineering and liberal arts, gave their presentations at the Baccalaureate Program at UMass Boston, the Materials Research Laboratory at MIT, the SPARC Program at Dana Farber/Harvard Cancer Center and Harvard Research Experiences for Undergraduates.
BHCC STEM Students Wrap Up Summer Internships
Press Release

BHCC’s Early Childhood Education Gets Financial Boost From Career Pathways Initiative

Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) has received nearly $594,000 in grants from the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) Career Pathways initiative. This program was developed by the EEC to make it possible for the Early Childhood Education (ECE) workforce, and those interested in joining the field, to receive the classes and support needed to attain a credential. BHCC is using this funding to provide classes, free-of-charge, as well as professional development activities, for local students. The grants were dispersed over two fiscal years with $296,904 to use from March-June 2019 and $296,904 for July 2019-June 2020.
BHCC’s Early Childhood Education Gets Financial Boost From Career Pathways Initiative
Press Release

BHCC Continues Cannabis Industry Workforce Development Training

Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) will host an educational workshop sponsored by Patriot Care, entitled “The Marijuana Industry in the Greater Boston Area.” The information session will be held on Tuesday, September 24, 6-9 p.m. at BHCC’s Charlestown Campus.
BHCC Continues Cannabis Industry Workforce Development Training
Press Release

Exchange Participants Study at BHCC to Develop Global Workforce and Leadership Skills

BOSTON, August 23, 2019 – Bunker Hill Community (BHCC) is pleased to welcome 12 international exchange students to contribute to our vibrant campus community during the 2019-2020 academic year as part of the U.S. Department of State’s Community College Initiative (CCI) Program.

Exchange Participants Study at BHCC to Develop Global Workforce and Leadership Skills