What is the Boston Welcome Back Center?
The Center’s mission is to build a bridge between the pool of internationally educated nurses and the need for linguistically and culturally competent health care providers in underserved communities. In other words, the goal of this program is to assist nurses from all over the world, who have come to Massachusetts and have not been able to practice their profession, in obtaining the appropriate professional credentials and licenses so that they can return to nursing.
What services are offered at the Boston Welcome Back Center?
The Welcome Back Center provides orientation, counseling, and support to internationally educated nurses. The Welcome Back Center assists each participant in developing a career path plan that builds on each participant's skills, experience, and education. In addition to orientation and support in obtaining the appropriate professional credentials and licenses, participants are presented with other options or alternatives to consider.
Am I eligible for these services?
All internationally educated nurses who are current Massachusetts residents are eligible for the program. The program does not have the capacity to serve persons living outside of Massachusetts. Persons living outside the United States are not eligible for the program.
Do I have to be a Bunker Hill Community College student to participate?
No. The program is open to any internationally educated nurse living in Massachusetts.
How can I participate in the Boston Welcome Back Center?
Call The Welcome Back Center at 617-228-ICAN (617-228-4226) or email us at wbc@bhcc.edu to schedule a meeting with a Case Manager.
Does the Boston Welcome Back Center assist all health professionals?
Currently the Center is focused on helping internationally educated nurses return to their profession.
Does the Boston Welcome Back Center offer educational scholarships?
Yes. The Center has limited scholarship assistance for eligible participants taking needed preparation classes
Does the Boston Welcome Back Center offer professional licenses?
No. Each participant will have to follow existing nursing licensing procedures. The educational case managers can provide orientation about the existing licensing procedures.
Does the Boston Welcome Back Center offer job placement?
No. However, our Educational Case Managers can assist with resume, interview and job search assistance.
When I meet with the Educational Case Manager, what will I need to bring with me?
You will want to bring copies of your diploma(s) and transcripts, as well as copies of other certifications and/or licenses. If you have a professional résumé showing your work experience in your health profession, please bring it to your scheduled appointment.
Will the Boston Welcome Back Center put me in touch with other nurses going through the same process?
Yes. The Welcome Back Center has developed group workshops and activities, and general information meetings to serve as peer support groups.