BHCC News for January, 2016
BHCC Business Students Inducted into International Business Honor Society
On December 15, 2015, in the BHCC Auditorium, 93 BHCC business students were inducted into Eta Mu, the first BHCC chapter of the Alpha Beta Gamma International Business Honor Society (ABG). Provost and Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs James Canniff, Interim Dean of Professional Studies and Workforce Development Wayne Wormley and Associate Professor and Department Chair of Business Administration Tony Fontes spoke at the event. Eta Mu’s newly elected officers then presented certificates to the new members.

BHCC Students Get Dressed for Success—with a Little Help from Their Friends
Competing for jobs is tough. But thanks to the College’s Learn and Earn program, BHCC students are prepared to succeed. On October 29, just in time for the College’s Job Fair and the December Learn and Earn internship interviews, 130 students attended a fashion event called Professional Threads from 12 to 2 p.m. in D-Lounge. The majority of the students were business, general concentration and science/engineering majors; most were in the equivalent of their first year at BHCC.

Can Game-Based Learning Improve Outcomes for Nontraditional Students?