February 11, 2024 to February 17, 2024
Monday, February 12, 2024
Join the Nursing Department and Admissions & Recruitment staff to learn about the Admissions application process, application requirements, course work, labs, and clinical information for Bunker Hill Community College's Registered Nursing Associate Degree Program.
*This is a mandatory information session for students applying to the Nursing program.
Tuesday, February 13, 2024
CANCELLED - Medical Laboratory Assistant Information Session
Join the Medical Laboratory Department and Admissions & Recruitment staff to learn about the Admissions application process, application requirements, course work, labs, and clinical information for Bunker Hill Community College's Medical Laboratory Assistant Certificate program.
CANCELLED - UMass Boston Nursing Virtual Information Session
Virtual college visits are virtual events that allow Bunker Hill students to meet with transfer admission representatives from bachelor degree granting institutions. During these one hour sessions, students learn about each institution's academic programs, student engagement opportunities, and the process for applying and transferring to these institutions. Students also have the opportunity to ask their own questions.
CANCELLED - General Admissions Virtual Information Session
Join a group session to learn about BHCC programs and admissions process.
Our Admissions staff will walk you through of all of the benefits and opportunities that are available to you by becoming a student at BHCC. We will cover information about how to apply, overview of our 100+ Associate Degree & Certificate programs and the various student engagement and student recourses we have on campus to support you and your educational goals. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
We are pleased to welcome prospective first-year students to campus for a tour. Led by an admission counselor, this hour and half visit includes a Bunker Hill application overview and a campus tour. The overview covers the admission process and financial aid, followed up by a student led tour.
Advance registration is required. We will not be able to accommodate walk-in visitors at this time.
If you are a high school or community-based organization scheduling a visit for a group of prospective students, please email Kandley Val, Associate Director of Admissions & Recruitment at email: Kandley.val@bhcc.edu.
Thursday, February 15, 2024
Visit with University of Mass Amherst
Join the Nursing Department and Admissions & Recruitment staff to learn about the Admissions application process, application requirements, course work, labs, and clinical information for Bunker Hill Community College's Registered Nursing Associate Degree Program.
*This is a mandatory information session for students applying to the Nursing program.
Celebrate the Life of Bolivar
Come and join us for our annual #BREAKINGBREAD celebration dinner event, on February 15, 2024, 5:30-8 p.m. The dinner will be held at La Fabrica Central in Cambridge.
Donate to the Bolivar del Jesus Soto, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund.
If you wish to support the Bolivar del Jesus Soto, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund at the Bunker Hill Community College Foundation, your donation will be matched 1:1 by a generous donor (up to the first $1,000 raised). To make a match-eligible donation, please follow the link to the right before March 1, 2024
This concert presentation will feature a discussion of the historical context of the iconic song made famous by Billie Holiday, with a breakdown of the series of compositional and stylistic choices made by Dr. Nnenna Ogwo, Founder, Executive & Artistic Director, Juneteenth LP (Juneteenth Legacy Project) and her collaborators in creating this distinctive arrangement. Guest artists: Christin Devine/vocalist and Eric Cooper/cello.
A post-concert discussion with the musicians will conclude the program.
Remarks by Tua Nefer, Professor, English Department
Sponsored by the Mary L. Fifield Art Gallery
Join by Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86459678014?pwd=Z0ZUTG1JekxxMzlOVlR4b291Szczdz09
Meeting ID: 864 5967 8014
Passcode: 018192
Dial by location: +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 864 5967 8014
Passcode: 018192