News Brief

President Eddinger Shares the Power of OER at Capitol Hill

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

A group of congressional staffers, higher education policy makers and Open Educational Resources (OER) supporters attended a briefing led by Achieving the Dream (ATD) President and CEO Dr. Karen A. Stout, Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) President Pam Eddinger and Odessa College President Dr. Gregory Williams. The briefing was intended to share the success that both BHCC and Odessa College students have attained through taking OER courses. ATD is managing a project that will bring OER courses to 38 community colleges, a program that will save students money and keep them on track toward graduation.

President Eddinger, who also serves on the Board of ATD, shared BHCC’s unique approach to OER courses that includes culturally relevant pedagogy. This allows faculty to design their courses around the diverse cultural backgrounds of the students and community-based learning.

See all news from September