News Brief

President Eddinger on NBC NEWS Education Nation Boston

Friday, October 13, 2017

Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) President Pam Eddinger joined NBC News Chief Education Correspondent Rehema Ellis last night for a dynamic live town hall on the issues facing young adults after high school, and solutions to ensure their success.

Pam Eddinger onNBC NEWS Education Nation panelThe NBC NEWS Education Nation Boston: Build the Future event brought together students, educators and community leaders at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum for a series of panels exploring topics from college access and equity to skills all young adults need now and for the future.

With 70 percent of Boston Public Schools students coming from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, ensuring that they are prepared for, and have access to, a quality postsecondary education is central to the College’s mission.

At Wednesday’s forum, President Eddinger spoke to college access, retention and completion in “To & Through,” a panel focused on efforts underway that give students the tools necessary to make a college education a reality.

“You need to start where the student is,” said President Eddinger. “We keep saying students need to be ready for college, but it is colleges that need to be ready for their students.”

Watch the Build the Future webcast.

Build the Future was presented as part of the Kennedy Library Forum Series Moderated by NBC News Chief Education Correspondent Rehema Ellis with NBC Boston Reporter Frank Holland. “To & Through” panelists included Dr. Bridget Terry Long, Saris Professor of Education and Economics and former Academic Dean, Harvard Graduate School of Education; Bob Giannino, Chief Executive Officer, uASPIRE; and Portsha Franklin-Gordin, College Success Coach, West End House Boys and Girls Club. Visit for a full list of participants and more information on the event.

See all news from October