Event Recap

BHCC Welcomes Faculty and Staff at Convocation 2021

Thursday, September 16, 2021

On September 2, 2021, Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) faculty and staff kicked off the 2021-2022 academic year with the College’s annual Convocation celebration. Held virtually, BHCC President Pam Eddinger welcomed faculty and staff and introduced BHCC’s 2021-2022 resident artist Larry Spotted Crow Mann and his role with BHCC’s land acknowledgment.

Dr. Eddinger explained that land acknowledgment is an Indigenous protocol that recognizes Indigenous peoples as traditional stewards of our land and the enduring relationship between them and their traditional territories. Larry Spotted Crow Mann, a member of the Nipmuc Tribal People, shared some words in his land’s language and a song. Then, he read a statement on how land acknowledgments are a way to honor past, present, and future contributions of Indigenous people.

James Canniff, Ed.D., Provost and Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs, welcomed everyone to the beginning of the academic year and reflected on the past year. He said the most important piece of what we do and our mission is the interaction and support of our students. John Pitcher, CFO and Vice President, Administration and Finance, thanked everyone for the great effort that has been put forth to bring us to our college reopening and provided some updates to the building infrastructure.

Wissal Nouchrif, Ed.D., Forum Moderator and Professor of Business Administration, discussed the College Participatory Governance and Policy Review. Following was an introduction to new and appointed faculty and staff to the BHCC Community. Faculty and staff were then introduced to student leadership Chase Baker, Student Government Association President, and Robert Hartnett, Student Trustee.

Introduced by Alice Murillo, Associate Provost, Chelsea Campus, was keynote speaker Cecilia Rios-Aguilar, Ph.D. Professor of Education and Associate Dean of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at UCLA School of Education and Information Studies. The discussion touched upon how community college students make decisions about majors, jobs, and careers and the impact of strategic nudges to help community college students navigate the financial aid process. “I use the term ‘Funds of Labor Knowledge’ to describe the resources students bring to the classroom,” said Dr. Rios-Aguilar. “Along with classrooms, we posit that workplaces provide a valuable location to access resources that we can use in classrooms.”

The program concluded with Nahomi Carlisle, Esq., Associate Vice President, Chief Equity and

Compliance Officer presenting the 2021-2022 BHCC Speaker and Equity Professional Development series; Kim M. Frashure, Ph.D., Professor and Chairperson,

Environmental Science Department introduced the 2021 BHCC Artist in Residence, Larry Spotted Crow Mann; and Carlos Maynard, Professor, Behavioral Science Department on the Latino Student Success Initiative (LSSI) Faculty Professional Development. 

New Faculty

Kristen Callahan
Associate Professor, Business Administration Department 

Diana C. Galvez
Assistant Professor, Nurse Education Department 

Catherine Mattia
Assistant Professor, Nurse Education Department

Donica O’Malley, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Communication Department 

Dipal Patel
Assistant Professor, Nurse Education Department

Patricia Pierce
Assistant Professor, Nurse Education Department 

Jorge A. Rubio
Assistant Professor, Performing Arts Department 

Jennifer T. Sherman
Assistant Professor, Business Administration Department

Lauren E. Stauble
Assistant Professor, Early Childhood Education Department 

New Professional Staff

Julia Blackburn
Special Program Coordinator, Admissions & Recruitment 

Lateia Johnson
Rapid Re-employment Workforce Training Initiative Coordinator, Workforce and Economic Development

Vanesa C. Pacheco
Adult Education Instructor (DESE Grant) Special Programs Coordinator, Workforce and Economic Development

Jane D. Stimpson
Instruction and Research Librarian, Library and Learning Commons 

New Appointments Professional Staff 

Jeremy Patti
Admissions Pathway Counselor, Admissions and Recruitment 

Keesha B. Taylor, Ed.D.
Coordinator of Student Assessment, Testing Services and Admissions 

Jill A. Yadav
Admissions Pathway Counselor, Admissions and Recruitment

New Administrators

Tyler Hilbert
Manager of Enrollment Technology and Data Analytics, Enrollment Management and LifeMap 

Vanessa C. Lewis
Digital Content Specialist, Communications and Digital Content 

Soo Park
Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs, Humanities and Learning Communities 

Franklyn E. Taylor, Ed.D.
Associate Provost – Charlestown, Academic and Student Affairs

New Appointments Administrators

Anthony F. Cobuccio
Manager, Central Services 

Jennifer Coccio-Thompson
Senior Director, Nurse Education Department 

Alicia A. D’Oyley, Ph.D.
Interim Dean, Enrollment Management and LifeMap 

Evans Erilus
Interim Director, HOPE Initiative, Academic Support and College Pathways Programs

Zaida V. Ismatul
Interim Assistant Director for Dual Enrollment & Early College Program Chelsea High School, Academic Support and College Pathways Programs

Handine Jean-Marie
Assistant Dean, Professional Studies

Grace Mah
Associate Dean, Online Learning and Instructional Innovation

Susan G. Martin
Interim Registrar, Academic Records

New Classified Staff

Courtney Ingersoll
Clerk VI, Student Central 

Tenzin Ngodup
Accountant III, Business Office 

Robert D. Sandras
Clerk VI, Student Central 

New Appointments Classified Staff

Matthew Gomes
EDP Systems Analyst I, Academic Innovation and Instructional Design  

Convocation Video


See all news for September