News Brief

BHCC and President Eddinger Honored as a Champion of Change

Friday, September 30, 2016

President Eddinger and Bunker Hill Community College were honored at the White House on September 30, when President Obama named Eddinger one of the nation’s eleven “Champions of Change for College Opportunity.”

President Eddinger and William Walczak at Champions of ChangePresident Eddinger, Dean Catalozzi and Steve Roller at Champions of ChangeChampions of ChangeChampions of Change panelChampions of Change audience President Pam Eddinger arrives at the White HouseChampions of Change panel with BHCC President Pam EddingerSeat Reserved for BHCC President Pam EddingerBHCC President Pam Eddinger at the White House Champions of Change BHCC President Pam Eddinger at the Champions of Change panelChampions of ChangeChampions of Change

She and Bunker Hill Community College are recognized for their work in developing pathways and learning communities to help under-represented populations achieve college success. Only one other community college was recognized with this honor.

Champions of Change for College Opportunity are chosen for their leadership and tireless work to expand opportunity for students from all backgrounds to advance to and through college. President Eddinger was nominated by White House staff following her previous visits to the White House for a Higher Education summit hosted by President Obama.

Eddinger also served on a panel at the White House with Dr. Eloy Ortiz Oakley of Long Beach City College; Dr. Dan Porterfield, President, Franklin and Marshall College; Julia Price, Director, Albany Promise; Michael Holmes, COO, Inroads. Roberto J. Rodríguez, who serves in the White House Domestic Policy Council as Deputy Assistant to the President for Education, moderated the panel. “Her work is really around scaling up the reforms and opportunities to really help, to make sure those students are able to move through the college system and move into credit bearing coursework, and focus on college completion. Thank you so much, Pam, for your great work,” said Rodriguez.

Watch the video where President Eddinger takes part in a panel. Learn more about the Champions of Change for College Opportunity on the White House blog.


See all news from September